The criminal offense of Assault & Battery occurs when a person willfully inflicts bodily injury upon another, which results in a traumatic condition. Criminal charges for these types of offenses can range from misdemeanor to felony, depending on the particular circumstances of each case, but a criminal conviction does not result in any type of monetary compensation for the victim of the Assault.

Salehi & Associates P.C. realizes that there are few criminal offenses which offend a victim’s sense of personal dignity or autonomy to a greater degree that an assault on your physical person. For that reason our attorneys who specialize in assault and battery cases are relentless in pursuing strategies to get you all that you deserve for your resulting injuries.

Salehi & Associates has worked on a variety of Assault & Battery cases in Los Angeles, San Bernardino County, and San Diego County and has been effective in 100% of those cases in recovering compensation for our clients. Recoverable damages in these cases have included compensation for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of activities, lost economic opportunities and wages, and payment of your medical expenses, including any and all therapy necessary to help you get your life back on track

The criminal offense of Assault & Battery is not only an assault on to your physical person, but also an affront to your personal autonomy, and here at Salehi & Associates P.C. we believe you deserve compensation accordingly.

contact information

201 Ocean Avenue,
Ste. 1105B
Santa Monica, California 90402

Phone: 310-430-0900